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Frameworks Creative


A Blog with Practical Encouragement for Business Owners

An Expensive Mistake

Back when QR codes were coming back around again to popularity, I created a QR code that was printed on a brochure using one of the “free” options. the QR code generator I had used was a new tool for me and I had missed that I accidentally selected one of the premium options when creating the code. I was surprised when I was notified a few weeks later that my free trial was up and I needed to subscribe to be able to continue using the QR code. Since my client had just had the brochures printed, I was stuck paying the bill to make sure the brochures they paid for didn’t go to waste. 
After this experience, I made sure I researched more QR code options and understood which features cost money and what the limitations are for the free options. I think there is a time and place for paying for useful tools! However, one of the philosophies that drives my business is that marketing should be more affordable for entrepreneurs trying to get their business started. 
There’s no doubt, making mistakes is a big part of owning a business. These experiences can shape our character and our business for the better if we learn to be ok with making them, reflect on them, and move forward carrying the lessons we’ve learned with us.
QR code with blue background and pink code

Try This Today

Journal about a time you made a mistake as a business owner. Share how you solved the problem and the lessons you took away from the experience.

Free Tools for Your Business

If you’re interested in the QR code tools I use now, I recommend the QR generator within Canva and QR code Monkey. If you’re looking for a simple QR code, these are great options. If you need to be able to track how many times the code is scanned and other metrics, or if you need to be able to change the URL, you’ll need to consider paid options.

If you’re looking for some help when it comes to your marketing, schedule a free consultation to see if marketing coaching could be a good fit for you. 

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